Queering Psychosynthesis - Introductory online workshop in July 2020

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LGSRDP psychotherapist Nick Field is offering an introductory workshop on working transpersonally with GSRD clients.

In his own words: ‘Transpersonal psychology, and in particular psychosynthesis therapy, has the potential to offer something more when relating to some of the issues that are specific to GSRD clients: the opportunity to become who they really are and fulfil their truest potential, despite the limitations that existing social and environmental conditioning has placed on them.'

This workshop is on Saturday 18th July from 10am-1pm. Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/working-therapeutically-with-gender-sexual-diversities-online-tickets-105762715128

Read Nick’s latest blog post  to find out more about the benefits of psychosynthesis therapy for GSRD clients and to hear about some upcoming workshops on the topic.